Former Diet Industry Insider Tells All

Revealed: Brother & Sister Had To
Break THIS Damaging Diet Rule To
Lose Over 100 lbs

Dear Friend,

John here. And I wrote this letter because I need to apologize.

I didn’t do it on purpose. But I was tricked into telling lies.

Lies that have locked so many people — maybe even you — into a cycle of weight loss, depression and desperation.

Lies that left my sister Lisa — who I wanted to help so badly — in a dark place, without any hope of ever losing almost 70 lbs that threatened her health and devastated her emotionally.

Listen: If you’ve ever felt like “dieting” is a waste of time. Or that trying to lose weight is hopeless…

…then you need to hear this story!

Because I know just how you feel. After all, I thought I was doing EVERYTHING “right”!

I was following the same “rules” that I was preaching to everyone else — including my sister — as part of my “dream job” in the weight loss industry.

Weigh your food?. . . . . . . . . . . Check

Low carb? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Check

High protein?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Check

Hearty breakfast? . . . . . . . . . . Check

Frequent healthy snacks? . . . Check

So what gave me the idea that I knew I was “doing everything right”?

Well let’s just say that I had finished post-graduate studies in nutrition at a well-known university, and I had a pretty high-powered job as an insider at one of the biggest nutritional supplement companies in the world.

I was following all the rules “they” had taught me. The stuff we were supposed to be telling other folks like you.

Yet I was starting to feel that something was very, very wrong.

At first I thought it was just me. That I was some kind of freak. That I had a “slow metabolism” or something.

But when I hit rock bottom — when I was so depressed and frustrated I could barely haul myself out of bed in the morning — I realized I could not go on…

Something had to give. I had a simple choice to make…

I Was 30 LBS Overweight, Pre-Diabetic
& Depressed — I Knew I Only Had
Two Choices Left —

At this point I could do one of two things…

1) I could accept that the “rules” were correct and that there was just something wrong with me. And that all the folks who “couldn’t” lose weight following the rules were lying about what they were eating, or just doing it wrong. Or…

2) I could do what terrified me… I could question everything I had been taught. I could challenge the rules I had learned during YEARS of study. I could turn my back on the prestigious position I had earned in the diet and supplement industry. And I could decide to learn the TRUTH about what really happens in your body to make you lose or gain weight…

As scary as it was, in the end the choice was simple.

I could no longer ignore what was right before my eyes.

Truth is, when I looked around at what was happening to everyone around me — friends, family, co-workers and simple acquaintances — it was plain as day that we were ALL losing the battle against our expanding bellies…

Most heartbreaking of all was my sister. I felt so powerless and even guilty. Because all the “help” I tried to give her just seemed to make it worse. Until she was saddled with over 70 lbs of dangerous belly fat, and scolded by her doctor that if she didn’t lose the weight, she was putting her health at serious risk.

That’s when I knew… It wasn’t just me. I wasn’t some freak. And I had to do something about it.

And it wasn’t my fault

Just like it’s not your fault if you’ve been trying to shrink your belly and you’ve been disappointed.

Listen: I was at the very top of the weight loss industry. And I couldn’t even take care of my own expanding belly! I was depressed and hopeless. Just like so many other folks. Maybe just like you too.

Truth is, the diet landscape is littered with regular folks who got fat by faithfully following the latest diet rules and eating all the so-called “healthy” foods.

So if you feel like diet after diet has failed you, it’s definitely not your fault.

You see, 1000s of new “diet rules” are born every year. How can you possibly respect them all? For that matter… how can they even be true?

Half of them seem to directly contradict the other half…!!!

Truth is, 99.9% of those diet “rules” are garbage

There may be a fragment of truth in each of them — some little headline from a research paper that a “diet guru” thought would be catchy enough to sell a bunch of diet books.

However, the real truth is this… If you want a sustainable way to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight for the rest of your life, you need to be willing to BREAK THE RULES…

And if you get nothing else from reading this page… at least take this one thing. The most destructive “category” of diet rules that you must break immediately is this…

Here’s the #1 Diet Rule You Must Break

It’s the crazy notion that there are “evil” foods. Foods that you must not eat no matter what. Foods that are single handedly responsible for the obesity epidemic and to blame for all your struggles…


The truth is the entire notion of “evil” foods is probably responsible for more weight gain than any other misguided nutrition myths.

And it is without a doubt what was keeping me and my sister Lisa locked in a never ending battle with our devastating weight problems.

Let me explain…

Imagine this for a second. You’re sitting on the couch, and all of a sudden you get super motivated. You jump up, rush out the door, and just start running.

You don’t jog. This is a full on Forest Gump run. And you just keep on going. Until…

You just can’t run anymore. You’re out of fuel. Just like a car with an empty tank, you can’t go any further.

This is pretty easy to understand, right? It’s something that’s easy to wrap your head around.

What most people don’t realize is this: Just like your body, your mind and emotions have a limited reserve of energy they can rely on.

The easiest way to think of this mental and emotional energy is to call it your willpower.

And guess what… the fastest way to drain your willpower is to resist the forbidden.

Let’s face it. Since we were old enough to know the difference between “mine” and “yours,” we’ve all been drawn to want whatever we are told we can’t have

And each time you resist temptation… each time you say no to that “evil” or “forbidden” food… you drain a little bit more willpower from your limited supply.

Add to that a bad day at work, a fight with your spouse, some bad financial news, or anything else that drains your emotional or mental reserves, and you can guess what happens.

Which Is Why You Really CAN and MUST Eat
Whatever You Want
— Just Be Sure To Use The
Unique Strategy I Stumbled On

Now here’s the REALLY bad part…

Once your willpower breaks, it’s like opening a floodgate. There’s no closing it.

Tell me if this sounds familiar…

You’ve been “good” on your diet for days, maybe even weeks. And then one bite of a “forbidden” food turns into a mindblowing binge.

Just that one taste flicked a switch and made you say something like…

“Oh heck, I already screwed up, so I might as well just go for it…”

Look: You’re not the only one, ok. This is normal. It’s even to be expected if you’re trying to eliminate a specific food from your diet.

It’s just not human nature to be able to keep that up for any length of time.

For me it was potato chips. The salty, fatty, crunchy temptation of my favorite bag of chips would pull me in and then the next thing I knew the whole bag was gone. I would completely lose control.

For Lisa it was sweets. One bite would turn into an instant binge.

That was before we started breaking the rules. Before we broke free of the nonsense diet rules that had us trapped on a roller coaster of depriving ourselves and then binging.

Once I finally understood this, it allowed me to stumble on the simple strategy that finally made losing weight feel so EASY and NATURAL.

And that’s when I realized that MOST of the diet rules I had been telling people simply set you up to fail.

Which is why I keep coming back to one very simple secret to losing weight for good…

You need to be a rule breaker

You need to be skeptical about the diet information you’re being fed. (pun intended)

Did you know there are diets that actually list carrots as an evil food? Seriously?

So if you aren’t sure about this whole rule breaker thing, that’s evidence enough that you should approach every diet “rule” as suspicious.

Listen: of course there are principles that make it easier to lose weight. There are lots of ways to give yourself an edge and increase your chances of success.

However, none of them are diehard rules.

Do you like pizza? Donuts? Ice cream? Go for it!
Look: There’s no such thing as a list of foods you should never eat as long as you’re following the simple strategies I stumbled on…

And, there is no reason to EVER allow yourself to be a casualty of the “fitness freak” mentality that forces you to sacrifice your social life and alienate friends and family because you’re “on a diet.”

I don’t want you to suffer anymore from the misguided and sometimes dishonest diet rules that make it harder instead of easier to lose weight.

And I know you don’t want that for yourself…

Because if you are anything like me, what you really want is to get rid of your belly once and for all, without following complicated rules, cutting out foods you have loved your whole life, and eating other foods that you can barely choke down and that frankly make you depressed just thinking about them!

I Found The Answer In The “Rule Breaker” Method

Once I made the decision to peek behind the curtain of the “diet rules” I began to see the pattern of what REAL weight loss looked like.

I stumbled on a method to flatten your belly without the silly rules, without the mental diet drudgery, and without depriving yourself of anything at all that you feel like eating.

It took a lot of digging to find these evidence-based strategies because they were literally swept under the rug by the big-budget diet and weight loss companies.

Why? Because they are simple. They work. And they don’t require you to buy any of their packaged foods, diet drugs or weight loss pills.

In fact, coming face-to-face with the very clear evidence forced me to take a hard look at what I was doing, and eventually compelled me to walk away from the supplement company job I had always dreamed of.

As scary as it was, I’m glad I did it because what came next is very special, very beautiful.

It started with my own transformation. And I wasn’t leaving anything to chance. I documented the entire process to prove to myself that what I had stumbled on wasn’t more phoney snake oil.

And as you can see in my photos the results were shocking.

Those pictures represent over 30 lbs of weight loss — after years of trying and failing to lose my belly.

I wasn’t done though. I’m a scientist at heart and I needed more proof. So I recruited my sister as my second subject to test my system. And WOW…

My sister Lisa’s transformation was even more remarkable, and even more special because of the effect it had on every part of her life.

Although I tried to help her for years, after having kids Lisa’s weight slowly crept up on her until all of a sudden she realized she was more than 70 lbs overweight, her health was failing, and she had no idea how to lose the weight.

And that was the worst part! Because it’s not like she had not been trying to get her weight under control. She would faithfully follow the advice I gave here — the “common wisdom” I’d learned at school and in my career.

Every time it would end up in failure. And she’d be heavier than she was before.

It wasn’t until I stumbled on the simple strategies that go against every diet rule I’d ever been told that she finally turned things around.

Not only did she lose every ounce of the 70 lbs she had gained, she shocked her doctor with the rapid turnaround in all the health markers that had him so scared for her during her previous visit.

And her transformation was very quick, very shocking and really terrific.

After my success, and my sister’s incredible transformation, I guess you could say it just snowballed from there.

First it was friends and family. Then word started getting around. And now my “Rule Breaker” system has gone viral and been used by hundreds of people from all over the place.

This works for anyone, male or female, no matter
how young or how old you are

Since uncovering the truth about the malicious diet lies told over and over again…

I’ve seen the simple “Rule Breaker” System work time and time again, and work for anyone at any age, without drastic rules of any kind.

That means you and your whole family can get healthier and fitter together, and if you don’t tell them, they won’t even know anything changed.

Here are just a handful of the beautiful transformation stories I’ve received from folks who’ve adopted the “Rule Breaker” System I stumbled on…

“Basically looking back I had spent a lot of time reading about fitness and diet - about 10 years consuming fitness information. I have about every gadget, every magazine, every gimmick, every DVD set of programs you could buy. I’ve read about and followed tons and tons of different diets. I spent so much time reading and trying to find the perfect diet. I tried low carb, low calorie, counting calories, etc. I wanted the freedom to eat what I want, to enjoy my weekends. When I found John’s program I just knew it was going to work. It all made sense to me. The diet information was so important and the workouts so intelligent. All the information you need is there. This was everything I was searching for. I lost 18 lbs in the first 6 weeks and am in the best shape I have been in my life.”


“Before I discovered John’s program I was lost in a sea of confusion and misleading marketing that the diet and fitness industry purposely wants us to believe. Having John as a coach was an eye opener and helped me discount what has not been working for me my entire training career. The techniques I learned from him were amazingly simple if you just have a little discipline you will get the body of your dreams!”


“I had struggled with weight my whole life. I had tried every major diet and fitness program on the market. I was a yo-yo dieter. Using John’s system, in 12 weeks, I was able to lose 4 inches off my waist and go from wearing women’s sizes 8 & 10 to wearing sizes 4 & 6. It taught me that I can eat whatever I enjoy as long as it’s within my calorie budget. Really the best part of my transformation was that I was able to keep it off and maintain my shape for 3 years now. My advice to you would be not to wait - get out there and get started!”


“I constantly struggled to lose that 10-15 lbs that most women want to lose. I never felt 100% comfortable in my own skin, in the clothes that I wore, and definitely didn’t feel amazing on the beach. I completed the Rule Breaker Method program and found it extremely simple and easy to follow. The workout plans are already in place, and the amount of information regarding nutrition is unbelievable. I’ve recommended the Rule Breaker Method to a bunch of my girlfriends including my mom. And not only did I get to lose the weight, but I also got to go shopping and buy an entirely new wardrobe which was super fun!”


“I've struggled with my weight and my relationship with food my entire adult life. The Rule Breaker Method changed all of that for me, I've now lost 40lbs and for the first time I never feel guilty eating all the foods I love. This has truly changed my life!”


Because the truth about losing weight is so hard to
find — Everything you need to know has been
condensed into this simple-to-use handbook:

I wrote The Rule Breaker Method to set you free from the damaging myths and lies that sabotage you every time you finally find the motivation to get back in shape.

And it’s ironic that breaking the rules is actually what will allow you to lose weight without ever worrying about gaining it all back again like usually happens.

Just following the simple “Rule Breaker” system, my success can easily be your success, while you continue to enjoy food as you always have.

Inside The Rule Breaker Method, I cover all the things you
really need to know including…

  • Why your “metabolism” doesn’t matter, and how a “fast” metabolism might be very, very bad

  • How fruits were wrongfully convicted of fat crimes

  • How losing weight too fast almost always backfires

  • Why physical activity doesn’t matter for weight loss (at least not in the way you think…)

  • What the “Weight Loss Distortion Field” is and why it makes weight loss harder

  • Why “protein rules” may be the most destructive diet myths

  • The exercise mistake almost everyone makes that expands your belly

  • The lie of “fat doesn’t make you fat” — and how dietary fat is actually the easiest food for your body to turn into belly fat

  • Why celebs are the WORST people to look to for diet advice

  • The “calorie trick” that puts you in control of your weight loss

  • Why dieting in “reverse” allows you to EAT MORE as you lose more weight

  • Why it doesn’t matter how often you eat or at what time

  • Most importantly, the simple strategies I stumbled on to make weight loss easy, enjoyable and lasting

  • And much, much more…

So if you’re ready to toss out the silly rules every other diet book is trying to force down your throat… And if you can accept the idea that dieting should be a positive experience

Then The Rule Breaker Method is exactly what you’ve been looking for…

So, let's recap what we've learned so far:

Now let me ask you a question. When you think about it. About what this means to you.

Never again feeling guilting about eating a food you love.

Never passing up on a chance to enjoy a wonderful meal with friends or family.

Never saying no to a glass of wine or a cold beer on a hot day.

All while you see your belly shrink a little more every day.

While you enjoy the feeling of your clothes fitting better and showing off your new body.

And knowing that what you’re doing to lose all this weight is something that is easily sustainable for your whole life, because there are no terrible and punishing rules to bog you down.

What is that worth to you?

When you think about it that way, I bet you’d say it’s worth hundreds, if not thousands of dollars. And certainly you’d probably be happy to hand someone $97 to feel that kind of power and control over your weight and your health.

However I don’t want you to pay anything close to that today.

Because I’ve been where you are. I’ve felt the frustration. Heck, I even feel a bit guilty for having been part of the system that pushes these lies down everyone’s throat.

And I know first hand how POWERFUL the diet industry big guns are, and how much money they pump into the lies that are making you fat and unhappy.

Which is why I did everything in my power to be able to offer you the Rule Breaker Method handbook today at a frankly-incredible price of just $10.

Remember: I can only do this for a short time for this exclusive eBook special price. I’m preparing for Amazon to begin selling the hardcopy Rule Breaker Method, and their rules require me to raise the price — probably double or triple — when that happens.

So make sure you take advantage of this now, while you can. Because as soon as the Amazon listing is complete, I won’t be able to offer you this heavily discounted price again.

Now if you’re still on the fence…

I want to give you some really awesome gifts today…

I’m supremely confident that I’m giving you the absolute BEST System to flatten your belly and improve your health that has ever been developed.

Yet I’m not stopping there. I want you to be so over-the-top thrilled with your decision to claim your copy of the Rule Breaker Method today, I’m tossing in these incredible bonuses…

FREE! The Rule Breaker Method Calculator

To make your weight loss even easier and more enjoyable, today I’m giving you FREE access to powerful software that makes The Rule Breaker Method practically DONE-FOR-YOU…

It’s called the RBD Calculator, I’m giving you free lifetime access to the calculator — valued at $29 a month — when you purchase the book on this page.

FREE! The Thinking Thin Handbook

I want you to have 100% Belief In Yourself And Your Worthiness To Have The Body You Want.

Your body image and beliefs about eating have been twisted into a nightmarish monster by the media and entertainment industries. Even folks with amazing bodies are tormented by self doubt about how they look and how they should be eating.

It’s so, so sad that such a natural and enjoyable part of being human has been so terribly turned against us. Which is why I wrote a short book called Thinking Thin. This quick read will reset your beliefs about food and give you the tools to rebuild a realistic and healthy image of your body and your potential.

FREE! The Social Eating Survival Guide

Your Next Free Gift Is A Life Where Social Eating and Everyday Enjoyment Of Food Go Hand In Hand With Your Slim & Healthy Body

Listen: Life is simply too short to put it on hold while you lose weight. Food and drink are a central part of being a happy and social human being. They always have been.

And with the strategies in my short book called The Social Eating Survival Guide, you can be a full and rich participant in your life and still lose all the weight you want. It’s not an “either / or” choice you have to make. You really can have it both ways. And I’ll give you the tools to make it easy, ok?

FREE! The Success Tracker Journal

Your Final Free Gift Is A Bird’s Eye View Of Exactly Where You Are Going And How Much Progress You’re Making.

Sometimes it’s easy to lose sight of the big picture. You get caught in the daily grind, and you forget to take notice of just how great you are doing.

The Success Tracker Journal is an easy-to-use interactive document that helps you quickly plan out your week while you enjoy seeing how far you’ve already come.

FREE! VIP Email Coaching

Because of limited capacity, I can’t do this for everyone. So make sure you read below how to activate this pretty amazing free service.

I’m giving you 15 days of FREE access to my VIP insider email coaching service called The Informant.

This is where I share the mind-blowing insider secrets that the diet, weight loss and big-food industries just don’t want you to see. These are the insights, tips and tricks — pulled from the daily headlines — that come from constant scouring of the latest scientific research papers on nutrition, weight loss, exercise and health. And stripping away the “spin” that the industry puts on them to fool you.

I sift through it all for you, choose the most relevant and useful information, and translate it into easy to understand advice you can put into action right away.

Right after checkout, you’ll see a page asking if you want to activate your free access. Just use the button on that page, and with one click you’ll start receiving my Informant newsletter right in your inbox, completely free for 15 days!

Now, we’ve already agreed that the freedom you’ll gain from the Rule Breaker Method is worth at least $97. Add to that over $300 worth of bonuses. And you may feel like you’re pulling one over on me since…

You Get Everything Today For Just $10?

Yes! I told you that I insist on giving you a very special deal today, and I meant it. Because I can’t stand what the diet pill and weight loss industry does to good, hard-working folks like you. And I hate that I used to be part of that. So let’s just say this is my way of making amends, ok.

Remember, you’re also getting free lifetime access to the RBD Calculator worth $29 a month, PLUS Thinking Thin, The Social Eating Survival Guide, the Success Tracker Journal AND 15 days FREE access to The Informant as my free gifts to you today.

And your entire purchase is covered by my 60-day money-back guarantee so you can get your hands on everything today and have a full 60 days to review and try it all completely risk free.

To get everything right now for a single payment of just $10 use the button below:

There’s Zero Risk For You Today

Now if you’re already shocked to be paying LESS for the entire package than you would pay for just ONE of the bonuses separately, let me go one step further and tell you about my guarantee to you today…

Because I want to make it easy for you to make the right decision today — to reject the lies and take back control of your weight and your health for good — you can try The Rule Breaker Method risk-free for 60 days…

Experience the freedom for yourself. Enjoy the results. And if for any reason you are not 100% satisfied with your transformation, simply let me know and I’ll make sure you receive a 100% no-questions asked money-back refund the very same day…

That’s my solemn guarantee to you!

Yours In Truthful Health,

John Barban
Creator, The Rule Breaker Method

-ps- Remember what I said in the intro about having two choices? Every second you wait to make your choice, the odds are good you will simply do nothing. Success in life requires action, so act right now while it's fresh in your mind…

-pps- Remember, you have a full 60-day trial period to put The Rule Breaker Method to work for you! I know you’ve been burned by the malicious “diet rules” spread by the big players in the industry. Which is why I want to give you the chance to put this program to the test completely risk free and see how it works for you. With the "no questions asked" Money-Back Guarantee there's NO WAY you can lose…

Click The Button Below
To Receive Today’s Massive
eBook Discount Price of Just $10…
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* Click to View Scientific References

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